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Friday, 11 November 2011

Weekly Updates- week of 7th November (week 8)

This week was quite a hectic week, as we had just filmed the week before, and had to begin editing and making decisions on how myself and the editor wanted to utilize the shots taken. Myself and Ahmed collected sound for the production, from Sound Cut Pro, YouTube, sound cloud and other websites to get audio that would fit into our film. Sahir and I also did some more research on sound and found some more clips, as we all had a joint effort in finding sound for our production. This whole week was dedicated to editing and making sure we had good enough shots that preserved the rule of continuity, and made sense to the audience. Furthermore, this week I had got Ahmed to post a rough draft of the video onto the blog, and called a few friends in to watch it; and then fill out a questionnaire i had previously made for feedback on the film. My task for the remainder of this week is to configure graphs and understand what needs too be improved on the video to reach its best potential with help from our feedback from friends. I had also gathered some thoughts about the whole experience of being a director, in order for my directors journal to come together. The meeting we had this week was rather brief but we discussed what tasks needed to be completed before the week ended, and what we would aim to have done by next week.