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Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Weekly Updates- Week of 28th November (week 10)

Final week!
This is the final week, and we held our last group meeting together. We discussed what was left on the production schedule that had to be completed by this week, and I distributed these roles to each member.
Editing is coming to a finish, and all other work is going to be posted today or later on in the week. I am currently writing my Directors Journal, as are my team members writing their own. This week is going to be quite hectic as we have to finalize everything, upload the final draft of the video and finish the production! Next on the agenda is to think about how I am going to market this product, so it can reach wider audiences. I am currently conjuring up ideas and marketing strategies to broaden the popularity of my film, and hopefully it is widely accepted by many teenagers out there! Furthermore, all team members are very happy with the final result, and we are currently finishing up any extra work that may have been left to do.
Overall, the pre-production, production, and post-production have been learning curves for all three of us, and we have learned a lot about making a film, and now experienced it too. We hope to have the final draft of the video up later this week, with the rest of the work!