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Saturday, 19 November 2011

Weekly Updates- week of 14th November

This week we made some changes to the sound in the film, after previous feedback from the post questionnaire; and removed the crying sound as we felt this was unrealistic and inappropriate as there was no movement to the girl sat down; therefore showing she is not crying, yet sitting there idle. Instead we slowed down the 'scary music' clip to create a more daunting atmosphere and the repetition of this creates recognition and an enigma for the audience to therefore be more scared and alert.
We also repeatedly used this sound throughout the film, by adding it instead of the 'bicycle sound' we were going to initially use when Ahmed turns around, as we felt this would create a repetitive build of suspense.
These decisions were based on our feedback from the post-questionnaire, and as the sound person, these decisions were vital in order for our production to reach its highest potential.