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Monday, 26 September 2011

Weekly Updates- Week of 26th September 2011 (week 2)

This week we began by collating ideas together for the brainstorm, and as the director, i took it as my responsibility to decide what the plot and genre was going to be. I decided I wanted to go forward with the horror genre, and began relating the brainstorm to the production. I first wanted to figure out what our USP would be, as i feel as if originality is key in order to grasp an audience. By taking the film SAW as an example, and the ideas of education and rules set by school and society, i wanted to link the two together as i wanted to create something new and innovative. I decided our production would border on ideas of conforming to the expectations of society, and if this wasn't to be done, consequences would have to be suffered. This makes the audience think and reflect upon themselves, as well as becoming entertained. I had to make decisions on what i wanted for costume, location and plot. I finally decided i wanted to film in school, as it would be easy and efficient. The group began making arrangements and planning how we would plan to do this; however leaving it for next week when we would begin compiling the letters for permission and location notes. Sahir created a facebook group, twitter group, and youtube group, to therefore make our production more public. He also posted a poll on facebook, and added all the members to the poll so we could observe the progress made. Furthermore, through conducting my genre research, i decided stereotypes were vital as utilising them helps enable the audience to relate to the themes and genre more, making them identify what you are trying to portray clearly. Ahmed was conducting research into the BBFC, and we all came to a group agreement that we should aim for our film to be a 12A, reasons being- there will not be any involvement of blood and gore, however there will be shocking and intense scenes.