Blogger Templates

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

General Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Monday, 17 October 2011

Letter For Permission

Media Letter for Permission

Analysis of Title Sequence

Catch Me If You Can-Analysis of title sequence

Equipment List

Weekly Updates- Week of 17th October 2011 (week 5)

The week of filming: We held a meeting on the 17th, making final arrangements for filming. I began creating the post questionnaire beforehand, to have it ready after we have filmed. I collated the location/actor release forms, call sheet, equipment list, scripts for each member of the team (including actors) and verified it was ok to film. The rest of the lesson we discussed how we would execute the filming, and went over what exactly needed to be filmed. Furthermore, all the costumes and equipment were stored in the classroom cupboard ready for use on the day.
The next day, as the director, I briefed all the actors on what exactly was required, and we conducted a brief run-through of scenes we wanted to include in the production. There was also costume-fitting conducted to make sure there would be no issues on the day.
The day of filming- 18th October (wednesday)
We were planning to film after school, as that time would be best for us because hallways and corridors would be empty for use and there would be no distractions whilst filming. However, we were not able to film that day as one of our actors had an emergency to attend to therefore not allowing us to film. As last resort, (as i really wanted to film) I went and found a plan B main actor, who was prepared to film on the day. Unfortunately some props were unavailable on the day as we were not able to access them therefore not allowing us to film. So I decided to film on another day, so that we would be even better prepared.
The rest of the week was half term, and the week after that, so I had set instructions to my team members to complete all paper-work and be extremely well prepared for the next date of filming. We decided as a group the 1st of November would be the day we'd film for definite.

Location Release Form

Location Release Form

Actor Release Form

Actor Release Form

180 Degree Rule

In filmmaking, the 180° rule is a guideline that shows that two characters in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis it connects the two subjects, it is called crossing the line. The new shot, from the opposite side, is known as a reverse angle. Problems caused and solution of the 180 degree rule enables the audience to visually connect with unseen movement happening around and behind the subject and is important in the narration of battle scenes.

If you can imagine an actor walking or running in a direction then you can picture the path they are following as a line. If two actors are talking to each other then draw a line to connect the two places where they are standing and extend the line in each direction to the edges of the set. Even if there are many actors in the scene you can still draw a line connecting the two opposing sides of the action. All coverage should be shot from one side or the other of this imaginary line. The audience subconsciously forms a mental map of where the actors are located in the scene.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Post Questionnaire SAMPLE

Post Questionnaire SAMPLE

Friday, 14 October 2011

Twitter Account

This is our twitter account, made to be a further tool to help the advertisement for our institution. (Spine Chiller Productions)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Narrative Theory - 1st Draft

Ahmed Khan
Narrative Theory

A Narrative is the way in which a story is told fictional or non fictional into a sequence.

Valdimir Propp:
In 1920’s the Russian critic looked over 100 fairytales. He wrote book ‘morphology’ and recommended that you can allocate the characters actions to decide their roles. He identified 8 character roles and highlights the connections between different stories.
Propps Character Roles are:
The Hero (who seeks something)
The Villain (who disputes against the hero)
The Donor (who aids the Hero by giving him a magic object)
The Dispatcher (Sends the Hero on his way)
The False Hero (Crookedly assumes the role of being the Hero)
The Helper (who helps the hero)
The Princess (The bounty for the Hero, however also seeks refugee from the villain)
Her Father

Tzevetan Todorov:

Is a Bulgarian literary theorist, who recommended that quite frequently narratives start with a state of equilibrium where life is normal and the protagonist pleased.
However this state is then disrupted by an external force. This external force needs to be fought to establish the state of equilibrium and maintain it.
This technique will be applied to our opening sequence as Ahmed the teenager coming out of detention getting on with his every day life, will be a victim of the supernatural being. This technique is also applied to the majority of films.
Equilibrium ------------ Disequilibrium ------------ New Equilibrium

Roland Barthes:
Is a French semiologist who recommended that narrative functions with five different codes which energizes the reader to make sense of it.
Barthes Codes Are:
• Action - A narrative device by which a decision is generated through action for example a shootout.
• Enigma - A narrative device aggravates the audience by showing a puzzle or riddle to be answered. Its functions to set back the story’s ending happily.
• Symbolic - (connotation)
• Semic - (denotation)
• Cultural - A narrative device which the audience can identify being part of a culture.
Claude Levi-Strauss:
A social Antropologist who studied myths of tribal cultures. Who analysed how stories without thinking reflect the values, beliefs and myths of culture.
These are usually signified in the form of Binary oppositions.
His research has been adjusted to different situations or conditions by the media theorists to show fundamental themes and symbolic oppositions in media.
Binary Oppositions are conflicts between two qualities or terms for example:
• Weak and Strong or Good and Evil
• Binary oppositions will be also applied to our opening sqeuence which shows Ahmed being weak and the supernatural being strong which haunts Ahmed.
Using Narrative to build up suspense:
A restricted narrative can be used to amaze the audience for example, in our opening sequence when Ahmed is running after the girl on the tri cycle he deosnt know was waiting for him round the corner, neither does the audience. However the other half of restricted narrative can be used to build up more suspense and the audience can predict what might be waiting round the corner, which the character will have no clue of.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Actor Release Forms- Ahmed Khan + Jordan Constantine (actors)

Script- Rewritten 3rd Draft

Script Media As

Weekly Updates- Week of 10th October 2011 (week 4)

Now a month into the production, we had to make crucial decisions about actors, costume, equipment and verify and get permission from our shooting location. In our weekly meeting I delegated duties to my team members, and progressed with the production. As Ahmed made an early start on the shooting script, he was putting his final touches on it, and Sahir began analysing the title sequence of a film. He also later on in the week, researched health and safety. My role this week was to get everything organised, meaning the actor release forms, location release forms and the call sheet. I made arrangements this week with the school and teachers to film on the 19th of October, and went shopping for the costumes, makeup and additional props. I made a list of what we would need, being: the tricycle, makeup (e.g. white powder, red lipstick and lip liner, black eyeshadow and black eyeliner, foundation) and the costume, being pyjamas. Preferably pink or purple.
The inspiration for the makeup came from 'The Joker' from batman, as I wanted to create a more familiar image for the audience, as they have probably seen batman before.
I also took a lot of inspiration from SAW, as the character on the left usually appears in the beginning of the film, and also rides a tricycle, is small in height (like our character Jordan) and has similar makeup. I wanted to create a cross between the two, with a twist. Both characters to the left are male, and I wanted to go against the stereotype and use a little girl, adding a scarier twist. Both characters have 'painted on' smiles, which I wanted my actor Jordan to also have. This week crucial decisions were made for the production, as next week we will be filming.

Saturday, 8 October 2011


Script Media As

Friday, 7 October 2011

British Board of Classification

British Board of Classification

Our film will be rated 12 and over because some scenes may cause some distress for someone who’s 12 or younger. That’s why no one younger than 12 must watch or rent the film.

Intense scenes of psychological horror, there will be constant build up of tension however it will be mild.

Conservative use of strong language for example (Fuck off) and must also be limited.

The film will not include any use of discrimination or any reference indicating discrimination.

There will be no misuse of any drug in our film.

Imitable behaviour:
Dangerous behaviour will not be used in any sort of detail, for example, self-harming or suicide. No appearance of pain or harm free and no weapons will be shown in captivating scenes.

Throughout the film no nudity will be shown.

There will be no sex scenes and no use of any sort of sex reference

The theme is suitable for younger teenagers as there’s no extreme use of scary scenes.

There are no violent scenes and no emphasis on injuries or blood. No use of gory scenes or sexual violence.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

90 Minute Synopsis - Three Wheels of Horror

Ahmed, a 16 year old pupil at Oaks Park high school is known to many of his teachers as being a troublemaker. One afternoon he is kept behind after school one day for misbehaving, as he usually does. Ahmed has had many earlier run-ins with Mr Cole, and this was not the first time. There were multiple times before when Ahmed would have been punished by Mr Cole. Mr Cole, along with a lot of other teachers, wonder how Ahmed is still studying at Oaks Park High School, and how he has not been kicked out yet.
After staying behind for his set time, he is dismissed by his teacher, Mr. Cole. Agitated and annoyed, he gets up, heads for the door and leaves. When out of the door he starts to walk down one of the many corridors in the school. Whilst walking down the first corridor, he notices a small girl sitting down on the floor, making somewhat of a weeping sound. Ahmed cannot see the girls' face, but he decides to go over to the girl and see if everythings alright. When he gets to the girl, she turns her head towards Ahmed and smiles. Ahmed, in shock, takes a step back, only to  watch the girl jump up and run around the corner of the corridor and out of sight. He immideately follows her, but when he gets to the end of the corridor, the girl is nowhere to be seen. Ahmed continues down that same corridor, but before he is able to get to the end, he hears something behind him. He turns his head to see what it is, and catches a glimpse of that same small girl, vanishing round the corner on something which looks like a trycicle. Ahmed immediately runs after the girl, however when he gets to the corner, he notices the girl has cycled all the way to the corridor. Ahmed sprints to the end of the corridor, hoping to catch the girl, however things do not go according to his plan. The girl turns right, around the next corner just before Ahmed reaches her. When Ahmed does reach the corner, the girl is nowhere to be seen, but this time however, he notices the tricycle thrown on its side. He is in a total sense of dissaray and stands there shocked for a while, not moving. He senses something to his right, and slowly turns his head to the right to take a glimpse. Suddenly, the girl appears from behind Ahmed, grabs his face, and thrusts him to the floor.

Location Notes

The location we will be using for our horror will be Oaks Park High School. We will be using the corridors situated near the media department. We chose this location because it fits in perfectly with our plot, and makes filming out Horror much more easier. The corridor is set out in a continuous rectangular structure, therefore it would be appropriate for us to use the corridors in order to show the little girl disappearing from the multiple ends of the separate corridors. We will also use a classroom where our film will start off.

Weekly Updates- Week of 3rd October

This week I made decisions about doing the uses and gratification theory instead of Ahmed, as he was initially assigned to do it, however instead I took on the responsibility as I had some good ideas for it, and felt more able to do it, and Ahmed is doing the Narrative Theory.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Weekly Updates- week of 3rd October

Quick update: I have been contributing into maintaining the blog to a good standard, uploading work to meet the dates on the production schedule.

Weekly Updates- week of 3rd October

Ahmed has decided he is going to do the shot-list on the production schedule instead of Sahir, as he decided whilst editing this would come useful to him.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Uses and Gratification Theory

Uses and Gratification Theory

Monday, 3 October 2011

Storyboard (Ahmed Khan)


Target Audience

Target Audience:
We aim to target:
- 12-25 year old males & females: purely because we don’t want to include any bias, as both genders are equally able of grasping the themes and plots portrayed in the production
- Young teens and adolescents, currently in education or have just left education
- People that are familiar with the aspects, expectations and ideas of education
- People that can recognise the role of a teacher and a role of a student
- Socio-economic groups targeted: C1 C2 D & E, as their lifestyles correspond with the lifestyles portrayed in the production
- We want to make the production as real as possible, therefore set it in a school location to therefore make the plot more believable so that the audience is more likely to relate to the themes put forward to them
We will market to them by releasing merchandise such as stationary, t-shirts and mugs, which will be branded to therefore increase popularity and recognition for our consumers

There are also attached some images of the audience we aim to target above.


What gender are you?



What is your age group?





Are you a big fan of horror movies?



What age category films do you watch?







Do you like the logo?



Does the music build up enough tension?



Do you consider our film to be a Horror after reading the script and the synopsis?



After reading our script do you believe the narrative is appropriate?



Was the synopsis informative?



Weekly Updates- Week of 3rd October 2011 (week 3)

This week we looked at our production schedule and acknowledged what tasks had to be completed by the end of the week. I made a start on our target audience research and i was curious to know what people at school thought about horror films, and used them as my sample. Ahmed made a start on the pre-questionnaire and we began to gain insight into what people thought of horror films, and what their views were on our title and plot. We are also curious to find out which gender likes horror films, as in our meeting, we predicted males preferred scary films rather than females. Furthermore, Ahmed made a start on the uses and gratification theory, and in our meeting, Ahmed discussed how he would approach this. We began by discussing how films in general provide entertainment, and horror and comedy films provide the most entertainment. I had to make a start on our script, and by looking at the 2 minute outline; I made decisions about how much dialogue i wanted to include. I finally came to the conclusion that minimal dialogue is not only a convention of horror films, but silence helps intensify the scenes, and create tension. I also considered leaving room for essential sound effects, and referring back to the 2 minute outline. In the meeting we held this week, we made decisions about what would actually happen in the sequence. Our initial idea was quite basic, but I thought it wouldn't be as hard to film. I made a start on the script, Sahir spent the week completing other work and taking pictures of the location and creating location notes, made a start with score notes, and Ahmed continued with the pre-questionnaire and shooting script. This week was good as it helped us move forward with the production, and map out exactly what we wanted to include in it.

Cast Notes

Character: Ahmed Khan - Protagonist
AGE: 16
ROLE: Plays the role of the young student who is on his way home after serving an hours detention after school due to his childish and immature behaviour, who encounters the weird occurrences that take place in the hallway.

REASON WHY HE WAS GIVEN THIS ROLE: As a group we decided that Ahmed fitted the role of the rebellious and troublemaking teen perfectly. This was due to a number of reasons; he has his ear pierced, as well as him having a 'urban' hairstyle. Furthermore he, like many other teens today, wears his trousers lower than usual, which would effectively help him in looking more intimidating and rebellious. This would help us portray the image of him being a rebellious and trouble making teen as he would be fitting the criteria perfectly.

Character: Jordan Constantine - Antagonist
AGE: 16
ROLE: Plays the role of the young girl who is seen on the tricycle, by Ahmed.
REASON WHY HE WAS GIVEN THIS ROLE: Jordan, a small 16 year old girl, who took Drama at GCSE level, fitted the bill of our Antagonist perfectly. We decided that the actor who had the role of the small girl, had to ideally be very small. Jordan fitted the bill perfectly, as she is small and has acting experience.

Character: Pianki Assegai,  Mr Cole - Extra (Teacher)
AGE: 33
ROLE: Plays the role of the teacher, who Ahmed has had earlier run ins with before, and who is keeping Ahmed behind.

REASON WHY HE WAS GIVEN THIS ROLE: We decided that Mr Assegai would fit the role perfectly as he is a teacher by profession and plays the role of a teacher in our film. As he has professional experience in the teaching field and acting field, due to him being a media teacher, we thought that he'd fit our role perfectly.